Shankar Labs Apps

Call Easier 1.0
Shankar Labs
Call Easier is an Android app designed toview/change/update most of your Vonage account's features rightfrom your Android phone. This is the third version that is beingreleased into the market, and unfortunately, is not compatible withany of the previous versions. So, if you used or have any previousversions of this app currently installed, please uninstall itbefore using this app.This app is available in the Android market only for UnitedStates, since that is where Vonage primarily operates. Thisapplication is not related to, or affiliated with Vonage in anyway.If you like the app, don't forget to leave a comment/rating forthe app !You will need to log in to your account at least once throughthe app before using any features.Here is what you can currently manage on your Vonage account-Change/Disable Network Availabillity NumberRegister a new extension (New extensions can be registered once amonth)Change Call Quality. (Change the bandwidth setting)Reset your account PINEnable/Disable International Calling on the AccountEnable/Disable Caller ID feature on the accountEnable/Disable Do Not Disturb modeGet the number of minutes used so far (Available in SnapshotViewer)Get Call Forwarding Setting (Available in Snapshot Viewer)Call Forwarding in a few occasions; This feature is flaky at thistime.Voicemails do not work right now; They should be available in thenext versionThe app uses the following permissions -android.permission.INTERNET - Internet - TO contact Vonage to makechanges to your accountandroid.permission.READ_CONTACTS - To choose a number from yourContacts listandroid.permission.CALL_PHONE - To make calls just like you do fromyour Vonage phoneandroid.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE - For checking if you'reconnected to the Internetandroid.permission.PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS - To interceptinternational calls and route them through Vonage Extensionsandroid.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - For checking if you'reconnected to the Internetandroid.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE - For checking if you'reconnected to the Internetandroid.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - To store the CAPTCHAimages required to change the call Forwarding setting
Shankar Labs
Teleport lets you drop in to any place in theworld by faking the device GPS location. Just pick a location bylong clicking on the map, and hit Teleport. Not only can you go toone single place, but you can import a route from a GPX or KMLfile, and run that route ! It is one of the best apps on the marketthat can fake GPS location without any other apps noticing there’ssomething wrong. Try it for yourself !Missed that check-in ? No problem !Want to visit an area from the comfort of your own home ? Noproblem !Want to test your new location based app ? Place your device there!Works transparently with all kinds of apps that use location,including spoofing.You decide what you want to use it for !To use a GPX/KML file, choose Load File, select a file, and hitTeleport ! It's just like you're actually there. Test it withMaps/Facebook/Google+/ and check in to any place you want ! None ofthe apps will notice a difference between this and an actual GPS!For the first run of the app, enable the MOCK_LOCATION settingand then run the app, or just dismiss the dialog with back button.You can use the app without using the Allow Mock Location option onthe device if you have root. Just go into settings, and choose"Request root access". That's it. You are all set to roam the worldor play that game from the comfort of your couch !Here’s a post on how you should set up the app for optimalresults -’s a list of all the permissions requested by the app, andwhy - Search works : Search for a postal address, and the top 5results are placed on the map. Click on one to select and Teleport! To clear the map of the results, long click the map, and all theresults are cleared. You could also use voice search as an option.Hope you like the new feature !Known issues :+ Teleport jumps between intended and actual current location :Enable 'Aggressive Mode' in settings.+ Teleport may not start immediately, or may experience delays :Here's a few reasons -- - SuperSu is known to delay granting root access to apps, causingdelays in Teleporting. If you see your device teleport to onelocation every 15-20 seconds SuperSu is at fault.- - The device’s GPS is just stuck, and may require a devicereboot. If you used Maps or any other app that used GPS not toolong ago, killing that app might help- - You’re using a phone that’s too slow to do all the processingrequired to start Teleporting, but that is usually not thecase.+ The pointer you placed and the detected location, marked by theblue dot may not be in sync. Give the device a few minutes to startdetecting the spoofed location. Some devices may be slower andhence the problem+ Map centers on the actual location of the device as shown by theapp, despite the marker and blue dot are in sync. The in-app map isa little finicky like that, switch to any other map/locationservice, and you'll be in the location you want to be in.+ App crashes every time you load a file : Chances are that thefile you’re loading has some key information likeLatitude/Longitude missing. You might want to fix the data in thefile before trying again. If you cannot find any issues with thefile, upload the file from the Help section of the app, or send thefile via email to [email protected]. I’ll get itresolved at the earliest.+ Devices older than Gingerbread may experience frequent crashes.This is normal, some features of the app are intended for newerdevices.Please report any issues at or send anemail to [email protected] so they canbe fixed at the earliest. If you use the app and like it, don'tforget to leave a comment/rating for the app !++++==== Please use the app responsibly, and in a way thatdoesn't get you in to trouble. The app or it's creator is notresponsible for any kind of damage that is a result of direct orindirect use of this app. ====++++